notes from the lab

Monday, July 11, 2005

big ups

Well, I got a promotion at my job....sort of. I get three to five people working under me, I will be working two until eleven insted of eight to five, and I will be in carge of a whole project. For all of this prestige and power I recieve... worse hours, no pay increase, and more responsability. Why did I say yes? I didn't, it is just the way it is. "Do it because that's what your job is." $9.00/hour....WTF mate. I'm gonna use them as a stepping stone to educate me in office polotics and project management. Then when they're not lookin' I'm gonna have a beefed up resume and a better job doing stuff I like. I will just think of it as school, with no grades and they pay me insted of me paying them. Lifes good again...see it's all a matter of perspective.


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