notes from the lab

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

First things first

Okay so there used to be this Jessica girl in my life. When I was with her she had just finished AA and was doing really well. We were together for about two years, but I had known her for several years before that and we were actually good friends. Well the relationship ended and now whenever anyone tells me about her it rips me up inside...not because I miss her or anything obsessive like that but because when they see her she's either drunk or high on coke or something. THAT'S ALL TO WRONG! This is someone who I care about. We used to be friends and I want her to be okay. So, I have a mission for all of you. Next time you see miss Jessica, if she shows the slightist sign of intoxication, tell her you have a message from Daniel. Slap her and say " "What are you doing dumb-ass?! Get youself back in AA and do something with yourself so your two little sisters have more than a drunk ass older sister to look up to and emulate!" Make sure she knows it's from me. Thank you.

Now on to more pressing affairs. I have begun to intimidate the spiders. I have not been the spider death god that I once was. I only sent three or four last weekend to that old place. You know the deep sleep. Okay I either squashed them or sucked them into the vacume...there happy now. Anyway, their numbers are dwindling or they're planning something.
Aiight, I'ma go see about somethin' now....Peet, I'm hi-fiven' you in my mind. (that would make a wonderful country song.)


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