notes from the lab

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Yesterday the U.S. government murdered a man. I don't usually acknowledge this sort of thing. However, for some reason this case moved me.

Politicians are just celebrities with shitty day jobs
Pissing on ideals quick as whores give blow-jobs
I right wrongs by taking the time to learn what’s right
Definitions find intentions, that’s intentions plight
The hunt is on with arrows in trail
Friendly fire from the lack of stayed hand
Your highness the running man
Hunting predator with gun in hand
On word could save a man
But chose to kill instead
And now that man is dead
The media will forget his name
But I’ll never forget this day
One less vote to go his way
Five-time nominee for the Noble Peace Prize
Four books to keep children out of gang life
Proven treaties to stop gang fights
Stanley “Tookie” Williams died twelve thirteen ought five


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