notes from the lab

Saturday, June 25, 2005

After the bathroom.

The weekend is here. I'm living a bad song...I'm working for the weekends. Keegs and Carly are going to be here today. I haven't seen anyone from mpls except for Aimee and Charley since I got here. And they don't count the same since they moved out here more than a year ago. I am really starting to miss doing dumb shit with my friends. Like going to the corner store or going to see a movie. I guess thats par for the course...I just used a golf term, don't worry I still don't play golf. Although I have been giving some consideration to taking up Aikido again. There's a dojo not that far from here. I have to wait until Ilona gets a job first, were under a little to much finacial strain right now.
So today is the first day of cleaning the attic since I got it all set up. Today I am a spider death GOD. I will destroy many beds of webs. So many meat traps for these little eight legged vampires will feel my vacume hose. It's not that I dislike the spiders. I just don't want my friends to sleep were they are if Carley and Keegs deside they would like the attic to sleepes in insted of the living room/office. Besides it's not that bad I only saw two webs and most of the spiders up here in the attic are daddy long legses. They don't even bite (small mouths/ biters)...shhh, I think they're sensitive about it, and I know they have mind control over the smaller spiders that do bite. WHAT AM I SAYING??? I AM THE SPIDER DEATH GOD! I will bring the murder to these little dudes. Even IceCube or Ice-T would flee screaming like small wee tots at the visage I will envoke. I gotta go murder a couple poor innocent little dudes now. After the bathroom.


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