notes from the lab

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Mono signals suck

Well, I realized last night that the mic input on my laptop doesn't double as as a stereo line's only mono. I need to find a way to get a stereo signal into my computer to make it work as a two track at a time recorder. Anyway, music making is still good. Lifes fuller than I have time for. I'm gonna go convert microfilm to digital images now.
Here are a few things:
diamond men's watches
Mortgage Rates
bextra lawsuit

What do those things have to do with one another?


At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you realize you're participating in a concerted effort to fuck the google system? i'm not saying it's bad, but just be careful you're not adding noise to useful signal, eh? (for the record, i dont think that men's diamond watches can be considered useful signal)

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Did ya see the PETA one on a previous what qualifies as a useful signal?
Philosophically, it could be argued.... I personally am still questioning if any thing is a useful signal.
I would give you a hug before I would try to sell you a watch. Anyway I have a notion that the google system will eventually end up fuking the ever growing amount of folks who are becoming reliant upon its wonders.
Already google has some kind of get paid to put their ads on your blog thing going anyway. Does that mean they are fucking themselves?


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