Missing Link is up
Is now up and running. You can now purchase customs from a bunch of artists that were in the Missing Link show, including lil' old me!
And of course there is....
Where I have a new toy up.
Lemme' see....Minneapolis was great! I love you all and miss you all very much! Thank you Dan and Ashley for letting us stay with you. And thanks to everyone who came out and helped us celebrate our upcoming wedding. We had a lot of fun hanging out with yall' !
My world is again moving fast....I got a couple custom toy commissions in the works. I started a new series of paintings. And I'm working on a fancy poster thingy. We just spent all weekend going to and fro, listening to mariachi bands and eating nummys at catering places.
But alas it is time to go back to work...
More to follow when I take the time.....