notes from the lab

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Tonight Charlie and I went to this toy store on Belmont. It's a toy store very much like Kid Robot, with all of the trendy little graf toys and such. Well, tonight I am painting three toys for a guy who is thinking of starting his own toy making business and is looking for designers and artist. I AM PAINTING ON TOYS! I may have a distant opportunity to design toys. This is a dream...
Thanks Charlie!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Big ol' Post day

Many posts today. This is that kind of day I guess. I rearranged the office so Ilona could be by the heater. Now I think I'll have to start working with my blanket around me. It's amazing how warm it is on that side of the room and how cold it is on this side. At least I'm not commiting suicide with Airsoft Guns (yes plural). I applied for a new job today. Part time doing printing. I figure I've never done that kind of work and may really like it. Worth a shot.


So Ilona and I both have commercial office chairs and even with that I can't sit for to long otherwise my back hurts. Perhaps I need a better chair....or maybe I just need to not sit as much. I think I'm gonna go outside now.

put me on the market

I think I need to learn how to manage money better. I want so many things out of life but it feels like money is the most draining thing ever. Currently I'm going thru a bit of a creative sweep. Paint Paint Paint. Painting has very little to do with stock option investing.

Car stuff

I recently paid for the cars insurance and now i get to post a link for car insurance quotes. Funny how the world works. I think I'm gonna read some Nick Bantock soon.

Over the bridge and thru the city...

Dont forget the mother's day flowers while your walking to her house to give her a hug...or else bad boogie things will get you.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

New Paintings By Daniel Damocles Wall

I have just finished updating my website to include some of my paintings from 2005 and 2006. There are at least 27 new pieces up. Please have a look and feel free to send me comments. Some art is still available for purchase and as always I am open to doing paintings on commission.

I may also be available to do web design/graphic design or illustration work if you need it.
(Go to the Illustration section there you will find two new categories in paintings 2005 & 2006)

Yep, I copy pasted that... And?


This is the view out our bedroom window today. Notice the flowers...It's effn February!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Will some one please castrate Peets pooperhole. I'm not sure how a procedure like this is done, but I am confident that my creative friends back in the Minny Apple could figure it out. See here's the deal I warned Peet on his blog that if he did not start writing in it again on a regular basis I would try to have someone castrate his pooperhole. This is for all of our own good(s) . Remember how much reading Peets blog made you smile? Remember the warmth found within those great new words and the ways that they were arranged? Remember how disappointing it is to go to see if he posted anything new and you just see the same damn thing...everyday? It's like Christmas in a workcamp with nothing but memories of gifts...Now it's just a stale piece of bread and rust water from a puddle in the floor followed by an ass pounding. Well now it's your turn Peet! You called down the thunder, well now you got it. Post or be asscastrated!
I'm only doing this out of my deep love of reading Mr. Quist's words.
Commence to commencin'.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I hear a friggn lawnmower? It's effn February!

Monday, February 06, 2006

The time has come!
I am now accepting input on the content and look and feel of the new Tone Controls site. Any ideas on functionality are welcome. I am expecting to be selling ToneControls CD's and maybe other miscellaneous stuff. I also want to use part of the site as a web playground for experimenting. This is a call to the crew!!! And anyone else who wishes to help out!
Send me images, thoughts, links, writings, or anything that you feel may contribute.

Make sure to reference ToneControls in the title line.