notes from the lab

Saturday, August 27, 2005


So far so good. Ilona went out of town and took mr ringo-bird with her. She's up in Washington mit her papa. So I've been a lonely boy this weekend. I am very good at distracting myself however. So far I went to a party at a friend of mineses parents house. There were about thirty teenagers there and five older folks. My friend Isaac was playing in a band there and they needed an extra mic hence I went to assist. It was cool. Three man band with such insraments as a electrified cello, couple o' guitars, piano, mandolin, and some other stuff. Most of the songs were good. It was strange to be the old guy in the corner watching all of the teens doing their thing. Oh god, I was a jethro tull sad. I haven't just been wasting my time gallavanting with the youth, oh no, I went to see movies! I saw Skeleton Key, which is a horror movie involving hoodoo. I do dig the topic. I also saw Fantastic Four. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. That's about as much as I can say about it. The pizza in the theater was good! And the movie only cost 3 duckets!
Ilona should be home in a few hours and life can go back to normal. It's too quiet here, unnerving...

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Oh the sounds...

I wish I was there to go and see dumb movies at Block E & to show off the great new sounds I've discovered. I have CD's for you Otha. You will dig the shit I've been hearing. My friend Isaac and I have been doing music trades, plus I got my library card. I started working on a couple more songs as well. I got the dulcimer as finished as I'm gonna get it for now. I strung it with bass strings, it's like bird wings on a bumble bee. I made a lamp thing out of paper and wire. I think I may go see Land of the Dead at one of the $2 theaters this weekend. Today I gotta go to Washington to bring Ilona's mams' back and retrieve lil' besse (our car). It's so cute how cars acquire names. Ilona's mams' has been here all week and we've had the use of her van if we needed to go anywhere. Me I've been using my bike. I need to fix it up though, new tubes and stuff.

Wow, that was a lot of rambling!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

power of the rawk

I forgot to mention something in my last blog entry. When Ilona and I were on our way to see "Sky High" a couple days ago we cut through a McD's (you decide what the D stands for) parking lot. We just happened to be sing/screaming a David Bowie song out the window while driving along. Three teenage boys ran at us screaming like we were Elvis and they were housewives in a doublewide. They flashed us, jumping up and down hollering. What could they do, after all, we were summoning the power of the RAWK! SO, what did we do? RAWKD HARDER!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Take a duke in hazard

Okay, so many know of my luv of bad movies... I like them very much at times. Howard the Duck is a great fun film I don't care what anyone says. Well I found a new one. "Sky High", it's an awesome really bad superhero high school movie starring none other than Kurt "Jack Burton" Russell! See it at your own risk or... Go to the Hell where People are Skinned Alive, it's that simple, understand?
On a couple other notes... I wish my Dad was more technologically advanced, like had email or could read these blogs. I find it hard to keep in touch with people, he is the one that I regret the most. I luv many people and am sorry that I am not there with you all. Spending time with people is the one thing that humans can not healthily give up. I'm not saying I gave it up....I just miss my crew. I'd pour out some of my chocolate milk for my missed homies but that shits precious. You know how it is. I'll share my dreams with yall' but not my friggin' chocolate moo juice. Damn.
And yes Peet, Ringo-bird has had a high five...Well a high four*. But he misunderstood it as "step up". We were trying to teach him to shake hands, he just got annoyed. At times he can TCB on command. I don't know if you could do that. Now I'm off to the Hell where People are told to poop on command by giant birds, it's that simple, understand? "Uh-Oh...Uh-Oh...Uh-Oh..."
Oh yea! Dukes of Hazard looks stupid and I don't want to see it. Fuck that. Thats my childhood and I don't want it sold to me. I might however someday steal it and watch it then. But I'll be liquidy fecal from a white rappers ass if I'll pay $7.50 to watch that crap.

* See previous blog entries comments for clarification.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

weebals wobbal

Well, long time no being read. As most of you may know it's been eventful. Ilona did not get the "job" she was shooting for. However, she is ever persistant and has picked herself up and is back in the hunting game. I have been working (days again) ... well thats all I can say about that. We are contemplating getting a printer so Ilona can redo her portfolio and I can make some prints of artwork. We figure it'll be cheaper in the long run, and we're right. The printer we've been looking at can do 13x19 archival prints that last 100- 200 years depending on conditions. I have been drinking moo juice and have seen zero signs of Lactose Intolerance which is always a treat. Now, on that note, Ima TCB yall'.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I did that?

Went to see the Interperter last night at the great Kennedy School. Now my brain is twisted up on some childhood memory desire to help african refugees in some third world country how can I be a good world contributer type bullshit. Wow this work no sleep stuff can really have an affect after a bit. I'm gonna survive this day on candy, soda, and lasagne. mmmmm. But really, I do truely believe that we (each and every one of us) need to leave the world in either as good of, or better condition than when we arrived on it. I just can't exactly figure out how. Ilona said some stuff about me being part of a strong community and being honorable and an example and all that kind of stuff. But, I want to feel like I did something...something really good. A solid shining pillar that I can point to and say "I did that."