notes from the lab

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Did it!

I did it... I striped our poor x-mas tree naked. I cut off all of its branches. I'm thinking about morphing it into some sort of earthly coat rack. I just couldn't throw it away...Not after all of the humiliation it suffered. Besides it's a cheap fun project.
Oh, I've also been doing web design at a place for about a week now. It's part time contract work but it may turn out to be something good. In case yall hadn't heard, I quit my job at TIS. No more arrow keys for this guy. Not for 8 hours in a friggin row anyway. Now I hit many keys... and I get to even use a mouse. I need to call Keegs...Because out of all the people I know he's the one who can sympathize the most with how I feel about web design. I miss ready access to friends. But then again it was like 50 degrees here today...and it was lovely. It's a hard trade off but aside from the financial stress right now I am very happy and sane. Both things I dig have'n in myself.
The rain on my head is a baptism.
Oh yea' I rode the bus finally! They still use those old paper transfers here. And the fare doesn't change depending on the time of day. I live 5 to 20 minutes from a $2 theater depending on when the bus comes. And the theater happens to be the same place as the arcade with crazy Japanese import video games that only cost a nickel! Damn this city is good for me.


At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me wonders when he the infatuation will wear off. I'm starting to get jealous.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

I'm not sure... Everytime I look around I find a whole new little neighborhood. The otherday I was wandering around Sellwood and found a train car with a whole building built onto the back of it. They were leasing it for $1500 a month. Damn I wish Bigwhistlestudios brought in enough to support getting a place like that.

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