So here's me. Flip flop boy. I seem to have a lot of interests and they manifest randomly. I'll go to a book store and a web interface book will catch my eye...that's what I'll want to do! Or, I'll see some art at a coffee shop....
BAM! I wanna do art for a living! There is more I want to do but these seem to be the two that manifest the most. I read about a quarter of a CSS programming book yesterday and worked on a new painting, a big one. I painted a rodeo bull bike! I do luv the bike animal amalgamations. I'm thinking that I might try to create some art for postcards and greeting cards and sell them through stores and maybe the Saturday market. My blog link thingy just sent me this link to
postcard printing and It got my mind a whirlin'. I was just going to try to print stuff at home. Now I'm leaning towards the idea of
not doing everything myself. I want to decide on a couple things to focus on and pay other people to do the rest.