notes from the lab

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Come on thru for the BBQ

PEETS HERE! He's been here for a few days now, hence why I have not posted. We're having another BBQ today. Some folks is comin' by. I caught a hobo spider in a baby food jar. I'm watching it. I hate them. I am their death god.
We went to the ocean and Astoria yesterday. My head is bright red, like a pissed off high school teacher. I gotta go light some shit on fire now fer the cookin's. Plus we're gonna play some games.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

And You Don't Stop

Over the last few days I have been converting all of my hiphop cd's to mp3...I had no idea I had sooooooo much music. 15 gigs of just hiphop. My intent was to make mp3 cd's. I am now reconsidering getting an ipod type device. Not for carrying around, but for a home music database. Only because it's smaller than a whole computer sitting in my livingroom. I should be able to back up all these cd's onto DVD's and that's a good thing. I have some pretty rare music and the cd's are begining to die slowly from use and storage. I need to get this stuff off of Ilonas computer before I kill it.
Oh yea! BBQ today my back porch. Tons of food and good times! Otha I want to see you here now! Wants suck.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

earnin my draws

So, I'm at work. and that is how it is.
Ilona's always talkin' bout Italian Villa Rentals, and who knows maybe someday we'll go stay in one. It would be fun to romp around tuscany for awhile.
At least my job does'nt entail a lot of Web Database Software, I mean there is some...but I don't have to manage it. I dig that.

Friday, July 15, 2005

A moment of silence...or funky ass wigglin'.

This just in... Shock G the piano man has decided to retire. I am happy for him. He has made a big dent in my inspiration car and that impact will always show when I do my thing. Those of you who really know me know that this man is one of my musical heros. It may seem odd that a guy who rhymes about sex and stupid silly shit would be anyones hero...But this cat is bad. Humpty-hump, shock gigga', piano man, MCee BlowFish. Good luck. Now lets all bump some funk and reflect on what can happen to an art form if one steps in the box with one foot and leaves the other on the outside. Danglin'

good day to you all

Here I sit, not much sleep (which is more like home to me as you all may know) in my attic, eating beef stroganof. I have this illustration idea I'm funna start in a minute, but I just wanted to pause and post this. My calfs and thighs are now incredibly strong. Last night some crackhed stole my tail light in front of safeway. I was gonna tell him about my calves and see if he'd give it back but I was scared of his girl...that thing was crazy. So, I left it. I get the impression that people here don't steal whole bikes. They just take pieces of them until they can build their own. Or perhaps there is a bike part chopshop run by some kind of wee folk.
Anyway, keep yall' Hustle And Flow Movie in your momses ol' VCR-a I'ma down this rootbeer. Big up's to Henry Weinhard's. Damn, Ben Blangin'!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Time traveling...1 second at a time.

Big ol' heads up yall! Mr Lohse has put up some new schtuff! Go and look around. NOW.

That Yak is nice.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The art or the money?

So here's me. Flip flop boy. I seem to have a lot of interests and they manifest randomly. I'll go to a book store and a web interface book will catch my eye...that's what I'll want to do! Or, I'll see some art at a coffee shop....BAM! I wanna do art for a living! There is more I want to do but these seem to be the two that manifest the most. I read about a quarter of a CSS programming book yesterday and worked on a new painting, a big one. I painted a rodeo bull bike! I do luv the bike animal amalgamations. I'm thinking that I might try to create some art for postcards and greeting cards and sell them through stores and maybe the Saturday market. My blog link thingy just sent me this link to postcard printing and It got my mind a whirlin'. I was just going to try to print stuff at home. Now I'm leaning towards the idea of not doing everything myself. I want to decide on a couple things to focus on and pay other people to do the rest.

Monday, July 11, 2005

big ups

Well, I got a promotion at my job....sort of. I get three to five people working under me, I will be working two until eleven insted of eight to five, and I will be in carge of a whole project. For all of this prestige and power I recieve... worse hours, no pay increase, and more responsability. Why did I say yes? I didn't, it is just the way it is. "Do it because that's what your job is." $9.00/hour....WTF mate. I'm gonna use them as a stepping stone to educate me in office polotics and project management. Then when they're not lookin' I'm gonna have a beefed up resume and a better job doing stuff I like. I will just think of it as school, with no grades and they pay me insted of me paying them. Lifes good again...see it's all a matter of perspective.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

It's a new era...

Here were are. What happened?

...that one's fer Otha.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Happy B-day 7-7-77

"Happy birfday ta use happy birfday ta use, haaaaaaapeeey biirfdaaay deear DOM haaaapeeey biiiiiiirrffdaaay taaaaaa uuuse!"
There I said it and I ment it.Happy B-day brotha'. Remember your never to young to start wearing depends. They're warmer than boxers and sometimes they're squish-e.

Urban Hoodoo

I have just seen a sign. I was rideing my bike to work and I just got up this really big hill on 52nd and Sandy. On my way past the Jack in the Box there is a bus stop full of lovly P-town folk. Right there inside the bus stop on the sidewalk was a huge water-fowl. A Loon. The state bird of Minnesota. Dead. Everyone appeared to not notice. Ouch. I'm so sorry Minnesota. The state of MN is going to die and everyone else is just going to get on the bus and not pay attention. I SAW IT IT'S TRUE!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

They think what?

Scientist believe that the Bisonalveus browni may be the first discovered mammel that delivers venom through a hollow canine tooth....WHAT?!?!? What they are failing to realize is that it is not a delivery system but a sucking system. The Bisonalveus browni is a friggn' vampire! I just had to put that out there for Dom and Otha. I miss yall.

First things first

Okay so there used to be this Jessica girl in my life. When I was with her she had just finished AA and was doing really well. We were together for about two years, but I had known her for several years before that and we were actually good friends. Well the relationship ended and now whenever anyone tells me about her it rips me up inside...not because I miss her or anything obsessive like that but because when they see her she's either drunk or high on coke or something. THAT'S ALL TO WRONG! This is someone who I care about. We used to be friends and I want her to be okay. So, I have a mission for all of you. Next time you see miss Jessica, if she shows the slightist sign of intoxication, tell her you have a message from Daniel. Slap her and say " "What are you doing dumb-ass?! Get youself back in AA and do something with yourself so your two little sisters have more than a drunk ass older sister to look up to and emulate!" Make sure she knows it's from me. Thank you.

Now on to more pressing affairs. I have begun to intimidate the spiders. I have not been the spider death god that I once was. I only sent three or four last weekend to that old place. You know the deep sleep. Okay I either squashed them or sucked them into the vacume...there happy now. Anyway, their numbers are dwindling or they're planning something.
Aiight, I'ma go see about somethin' now....Peet, I'm hi-fiven' you in my mind. (that would make a wonderful country song.)

Sunday, July 03, 2005

4th of july...agaaaain?

Yup folks it's here. BBQ and fireworks. I feel like I should be in a sitcom. Some folks is comin round in a lil' bit. We is gonna eats us some foods! I dig food and hanging out with people. Ilona's papa is in town for the weekend, which is always good. And so far this weekend I recorded one song and one spoken word thingy and have another song in process. I also began an elephant bike painting. I'm having a pretty creative weekend so far. I went to see Batman for the second time...still, wow! I also swung by the art store down the street from me and fell in love. They have every art supply I need. I love this town.
I looked at a map and noticed Minneapolis got shut down. That's interesting. You all should move to Portland. The weathers fine and the state still seems to function okay. And besides that I miss ya'll.

Oh, and you all need to post more! Marty and I are the only one's that seem to be keeping it locked down in the blog world.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Sketch of a song

Here is a sketch of a track I started last night.
Smile lines.mp3
It needs some work, but whatever at least I recorded something!

Alana has her own store!